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Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:14 am
by Cranium
Well happy birthday to you @Gotoh did not know your name was Cassandra (j/k)
Happy Birthday to Cassandra!

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:11 am
by Bambikles
Happy birthday Cassandra :ymparty:

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:41 am
by Insectoid
Happy belated birthday, Cassandra!

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:19 pm
by Don Alexander
Happy Birthdays to you both!!! :ymparty: :ymparty: :ymparty:

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:59 am
by Gotoh
*moved from EC thread, here*
Passing Through wrote:A quick glance at the actions of Faith, who attempted to slaughter Layla after having lured her into her home via the use of her mind control powers, just because she's a vampire.
You need to get your facts straight:
  • 1.) Faith invited Layla back to her home as a favor to Melissa, and Layla accepted.
  • 3.) Because she and the students at Artemis have been taught the cryptids are evil and are being trained to hunt them in order to protect the rest of humanity.
That last point is important because we've been told as much by Tiffany (3rd panel) and the comic's editor.
Passing Through wrote:Faith? Morally grey? She's a predator. A sexual predator.
Yes, she's morally grey, there's even thread that covers it and it's been pointed out several times in the comic itself. Faith has a sense of right and wrong, but tends to operate according to what's right for her and what she believes is best for the school.

I've already addressed the other part, so I'll redirect you here.
Passing Through wrote:The only time she did anything remotely heroic, was when she saved Melissa and Sandi from the fiery doom Cerise intended for them.
No it wasn't. Faith's acts of heroism recap:

...and you already mentioned no.5, yourself. So yeah, at least 5 counts of coming to the aid of others.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:25 pm
by Fluffy
There's self defense, and then there's what Faith did.

Instead of putting Layla out of her misery (as the students are taught to do); Faith took the opportunity to show off to one of her intended conquests by tapping into Layla's subconscious and turning the poor girl into a killing machine - which almost cost her her very life (which was only spared thanks to Tiffany's quick thinking - who saved both girls with her sacrifice).

And please, spare me the link to the strip where Faith indicates that the school never allows them such a hands on experience in an attempt to explain away Faith's self serving actions. There's a reason they don't allow for it - because cryptids are dangerous and the students are still in training; so safety protocols need to be enforced.

And given how Faith handled that forced battle; no matter how powerful she's claimed to be, she was shown not to be anywhere ready to handle the big leagues.

As for the sexual predator part....she kind of is.

If Cerise' words can be believed (which I think they can, at least partially - given that Cerise used the school's power to turn the student body into her own willing servants/minions) - Faith did use the school's power to her advantage - intentionally or not -and gained an army of lovers/admirers. And, due to her arrogance (assuming she wasn't aware of what she had done), she never questioned it. She just accepted it as genuine and reaped the rewards.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:34 am
by Gotoh
Fluffy wrote:There's self defense, and then there's what Faith did.

Instead of putting Layla out of her misery (as the students are taught to do); Faith took the opportunity to show off to one of her intended conquests by tapping into Layla's subconscious and turning the poor girl into a killing machine.
That idea actually didn't occur to her until Tiff showed up, 'cuz Faith was still horny and was admiring how hot Layla was. Which is why she expressed regret at having to stake her.
Fluffy wrote:And please, spare me the link to the strip where Faith indicates that the school never allows them such a hands on experience in an attempt to explain away Faith's self serving actions. There's a reason they don't allow for it - because cryptids are dangerous and the students are still in training; so safety protocols need to be enforced.
There's more than just that one. Tiff said the exact samething here (3rd panel) and Cerise speculated that even the student elite at Artemis had probably never seen a real monster before.

Training and sparring, are all well and good for learning the fundamentals. But there's a difference between a controlled environment where there are rules and qualified instructors in place to ensure their safety - and being exposed to the real thing where those safety measures don't exist. And sooner, or later, they're bound to find themselves in just such a situation. Faith even said as much, when Mr. Delatorre chided her arriving for the exams in a state of undress, when told him that had it been real, she might find herself having to fight in less.

Remember what happened while she and Tiff were at the spa? Did she call that, or what? :-\

I'm not dismissing the fact that she was showboating, when she pulled that stunt with Layla. But there was also a fair amount of truth to what she said about needing hands-on experience, and Tiffany recognizes that as well. Faith saw an opportunity to gain the type of experience that their training couldn't give them, and she capitalized on it... or tried to, anyway.
Fluffy wrote:And given how Faith handled that forced battle; no matter how powerful she's claimed to be, she was shown not to be anywhere ready to handle the big leagues.
Then you're still disagreeing with canon.

TCampbell has repeatedly told us how formidable she is, I've even linked those posts several times now and those weren't all of them. The man even said she take a mid-level monster (I linked that one too) and said that even if Layla were well trained for combat that it probably wouldn't have made a difference, since Faith would still have her beat. And about a year ago (our time) we saw what she could do with a simpe mind blast.
Fluffy wrote:As for the sexual predator part....she kind of is.

If Cerise' words can be believed (which I think they can, at least partially - given that Cerise used the school's power to turn the student body into her own willing servants/minions) - Faith did use the school's power to her advantage - intentionally or not -and gained an army of lovers/admirers. And, due to her arrogance (assuming she wasn't aware of what she had done), she never questioned it. She just accepted it as genuine and reaped the rewards.
No, she really isn't.

Preying on someone is a deliberate act that denotes forethought and malicious intent. Faith did not deliberately sync with the school, she didn't know that was taking place, and was just as horrified as the others were, once she was finally faced with the truth.

Lastly, yes she has an ego. With the type of ability she possesses as an esper, academically, physically, in terms of popularity, and responsibility, who wouldn't? Everybody loves a winner.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:07 am
by Fluffy
And how many times was it crammed down our throats that Faith wants Tiffany as one of her lovers? Would she have been as keen about fighting Layla is Tiffany didn't show up? I'm guessing not. But because Tiffany did, it gave Faith the perfect excuse to show off how good she was.
There's more than just that one. Tiff said the exact same thing here (3rd panel) and Cerise speculated that even the student elite at Artemis had probably never seen a real monster before.
Which is exactly my point. No matter how much training these girls get, none of them (this includes Faith) has any expertise when it comes to facing an actual monster.

And even when faced with a genuine monster - Faith had to enhance Layla's already impressive skills to the max for a 'real' challenge'.

Faith's arrogance led to sheer stupidity that almost got her killed - there's no arguing against that.
Then you're still disagreeing with canon.

TCampbell has repeatedly told us..../quote]

Ugh! Enough of that bs! You're still not getting it.

You can throw as many links to TCampbell's comments about how uber powerful Faith is all you want (I know full well that Faith is formidable) - it's not going to negate the fact that 1) unless she gets her arrogance in check, Faith will always risk landing herself in the same trouble she had with Layla (needing to be rescued because her over-confidence got the better of her. Also, for someone who could supposedly handle Layla in this amped up mindset she was in, Faith barely avoided getting her abdomen and ankles slashed open by Layla's nails.) and 2) as formidable as she is, there's always the chance she'll meet an opponent who is more powerful than her (case in point Heckate. One blast from her and Faith was severely weakened).

As powerful as Faith is, she's not unbeatable.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:24 am
by Gotoh
Fluffy wrote:And how many times was it crammed down our throats that Faith wants Tiffany as one of her lovers? Would she have been as keen about fighting Layla is Tiffany didn't show up? I'm guessing not. But because Tiffany did, it gave Faith the perfect excuse to show off how good she was.
Make that "one and only", 'cuz that's what Faith offered her, whichTiffany acknowledged.

That aside, she was still hesitant before Tiff even arrived because she was torn between her hormones and her duty. So I honestly can't say what she would've done had Tiff not shown up just then.
Fluffy wrote:Which is exactly my point. No matter how much training these girls get, none of them (this includes Faith) has any expertise when it comes to facing an actual monster.
Which was exactly Faith's point, which is the reason she gave for wanting to fight her.
Fluffy wrote:And even when faced with a genuine monster - Faith had to enhance Layla's already impressive skills to the max for a 'real' challenge'.

Faith's arrogance led to sheer stupidity that almost got her killed - there's no arguing against that.
I've never said it wasn't foolish.

However, I think you're basing that on the notion that Faith was in danger of losing due to Layla being too much for her to handle, which wasn't the case. At no point, was she worried (including those two near misses), she was actually enjoying the challenge of fighting a monster without her powers.

Where she f***ed up, was when she forgot they were fighting indoors and hit her own head on the ceiling. That was what cost her the match, because was dazed and wide open to attack. But would that have happened had they been fighting outdoors and the fight'd been allowed to continue? Probably not.
Fluffy wrote:Ugh! Enough of that bs! You're still not getting it.

You can throw as many links to TCampbell's comments about how uber powerful Faith is all you want (I know full well that Faith is formidable) - it's not going to negate the fact that 1) unless she gets her arrogance in check, Faith will always risk landing herself in the same trouble she had with Layla (needing to be rescued because her over-confidence got the better of her. Also, for someone who could supposedly handle Layla in this amped up mindset she was in, Faith barely avoided getting her abdomen and ankles slashed open by Layla's nails.) and 2) as formidable as she is, there's always the chance she'll meet an opponent who is more powerful than her (case in point Heckate. One blast from her and Faith was severely weakened).
I've already acknowledged all of those points in the discussion threads:
Gotoh wrote:We don't know that. What about the faculty? What about characters like Dakota, or her friends (who AnaKota feared might try to kill them)? There could be any number of empowered humans whose abilities may be equal, or greater, than Faith's and Ash.
...and I've noted the different times Tiffany has gotten the better of her, as well.
Fluffy wrote:As powerful as Faith is, she's not unbeatable.
I've never said she was.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:17 pm
by mysecretidentity
These are matters that probably have been discussed here before, but I don't visit the forums often. Message boards for webcomics I find are either sparsely visited by even loyal readers every other month, or have threads in the triple digits for each and every strip that occurs, sometimes devoted to a specific panel!

So, anyway...
1. Anyone have an ideas as to how long Chloe's tail is? Either specific length or percentage compared to the rest of her.

and, more seriously....

2. Can we have some more story on Teddy's personality, interests, character? When the strip first began, he'd broken into a museum to inspect the guts of a clockwork duck a la "The Emperor's Nightingale". That speaks to me of an avid enthusiast for mechanics modern and classic, and perhaps a potential inventor himself one day. Sadly, since then he's steadily fallen to Bella Swan Syndrome, where he's just a human football, getting kicked between the weird women in his life and their crazy antics. we see this from the purported protagonist of virtually every anime harem comedy. If it keeps like this, Giz & Dave are going to have to double-up on the lesbian she-demon snogging scenes to keep an audience.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:40 pm
by Zippy
mysecretidentity wrote:Anyone have an ideas as to how long Chloe's tail is? Either specific length or percentage compared to the rest of her.
Not sure it's entirely consistent, and with the curling it's hard to be sure, but it seems to be about the same length as her legs (it's not always present, even when her horns are!)

And on the other thing... it's hard to disagree exactly. There've been a few further hints - Triana's claim that he was weird was in the same vein as why he broke into the museum, since it centred around him always dismantling things ("The fire alarm, the princpal's 8-track--I mean, who does that"), he's crap at French, and his acceding to Chloe's "home remedy" was because he was desperate to make it in for his important history exam. But not that much.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:11 pm
by Fluffy
Well, the comic is called 'Dangerously Chloe', meaning that the comic is about her and her antics, specifically.

Teddy is a supporting character; so his personality/background/hobbies/etc are secondary and only need to be brought up when the plot needs it.

So, don't hold your breath, I guess.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:00 pm
by Schmorgluck
And yet he appears in more comics than Chloe.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:03 pm
by Fluffy
True - but whatever strips that focus around him are usually a result of Chloe tampering in his life in some fashion.

So, there's never any time to develop Teddy as a character when he's essentially having to deal with the consequences of Chloe's well intended actions.

Re: EC/MC/DC General Discussion

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:31 am
by vampire hunter D
I just watched the new episode of RWBY, and have come to the conclusion that....we must see a food fight at Artemis Academy now